
It all started in 2006 when Jme and Ong was planning to create a new band due to strong interest in grunge music. At that time, they were discussing about the line-up. It was not an easy task to form a line up where everyone have the same interest in music which is GRUNGE! Suddenly, there was an idea where they are going to recruit Eteng as the drummer and they can't wait to ask Eteng about the idea. Fortunately, it was Eteng who was in front of Jme's house calling Jme's name and both of them were very happy. Then they have a discussion with each other. After that, they decided to recruit Aneng join them after he had impressed them a lot with his voice and guitar skills. All of them are in the same Hockey Team in the school which benefits them as they can meet up together everyday. Every Friday after school, they jamming together at Les Paul Jamming Studio. During this time, their commitment towards the band were really impressive. Then Cos left the band after he decided to make a new band. Before Aneng become the vocalist, they have made an audition but the results were very disappointing. Finally, they changed their band name to "Mean Majesty". In the year 2008 they finally released their first demo, title "Dirty, Messy and Scratch" and joined some gigs in the city. The sounds were very raw and their music were influenced by Butterfingers, Nirvana and Alice In Chains.

On the year 2009, they decided to look for a new vocalist after Aneng have the difficulties in singing while playing his guitar. A survey have been made and finally Eteng brought Redman to join them as the new vocalist after showing his good performance in the audition session. At the end of 2009, Ong decided to quit the band due to some circumstances and thus it make only the 4 of them left in the band struggling to survive the Grunge band. On an evening, they had a band meeting at the coffee shop and Jme decided to change the name of the band in order to forget the past and start a new life of their band. As been strongly influence by Mudhoney, they took Mudhoney's EP's title "Superfuzz Bigmuff" as their band's name and shorten it to "Fuzz Muff". On the year of 2010, they started to record their first EP after 2 years of silence without any new materials due to some problems. Finally, on the beginning of August, they released their first EP title "such a germ" at which their music was influence by Mudhoney and Sonic Youth messy sound.