DATE: 30TH JULY 2016
TIME: 13:30 P.M.
This is our first gig since 2013 (if we are not mistaken), 3 years of resting time for each other. Thanks a lot to our organiser, THORNWIRE, for inviting us for the closing of Straight To Your Face gig (which has been established in 2008, we think so). Its a big pleasure to be part of the gig.
The line up was very impressive, we are on the same stage with big international bands such as Margrudergrind (Grindcore from U.S.A), Skinned (Brutal Death Metal from U.S.A), Eternal Rest (Death Metal from Australia) and Wormrot (Grindcore from Singapore). Besides that, we also on the same stage with good local bands such as Wynken Delirium (Sludge Metal from JB), A Million Evil Faces (Metalcore from KK); Kuching bands such as Path To Survive (Hardcore band), Dance On Your Grave (Punk band), Bronco Buster (Grindcore band), Symfortra (Nu-Metal band) and Myopia (Progressive band).
Our first song is drop-D tuning song which is Delicate Curses, a song which is inspired by local horror movie Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam; then followed by Terror Nerve as the second song, a fast-punk sounds ended with Powerpuff Girls' song (Mojo Jojo introduction). Then we tuned back to standard E tune, our third song is Sick!, an angry song; followed by Out Of My Mind, a song about a psychopath/lunatic dude; then our should be last song is a cover song from Mudhoney which is Suck You Dry (a song for everyone to enjoy). Finally, our really last song is a cover song also from Silverchair's Tomorrow (even though there's a little bit rustiness in the pre-chorus but fuck it. HAHAHA). The best thing is the non-stop supports from the crowds really inspired us, not only for our band but for each and every band that performed that night. Thanks guys, awesome support, keep it up. Last but not least, thanks to all friends who is coming (you know who you are) and also Mr. Aweng for all the photos.
Thumbs up!
Dive for Out Of My Mind
3 drummers: Eteng and Bondi of Bronco Buster; Andrew Jude of Path To Survive/Dance on Your Grave (seating)
Mind Fucked!
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Scream Your Bloody Fucking Lung Out!
Full Squad
Jme with Dillon of Path To Survive and Timun of Bronco Buster
Jme and the Man Of The Match, Mr. Bugau (left) and Karlos (right) of Thornwire